Ex keeps adding my good friends on Snapchat, did I handle this right?

Small context, ex 21f, I’m 20M broke up with me 18 months ago, lost feelings, “I love you but not in love with you” stuff. She checked out of the relationship and started dating someone quickly. That relo imploded about a month ago, she instantly added me on insta and then started taking.

Said she wanted to be “civil and chill, to see if I changed.” So back to no contact. But every time she is drunk she adds me. She’s padded and added my friends on Snapchat twice now and I saw evidence of this last night so I sent this (since she adds me every time she is drunk on Snapchat.)



Me-Pls stop adding my friends on snap

Her-ok I’m just joking

Me-i’m not stop.

Her-Oh sorry Last time u said u were fine it was just a joke, so that’s why I did it again, I didn’t realise u actually didn’t like it so I’m sorry

Me- I couldn’t give a shit, it’s just weird. We are not friends, they are not ur friends. So what’s the point Just be chill and civil like you asked.

Her- Oh I’m sorry

Then left on opened. Did I handle this right and why does she keep bread crumbing me like leave me alone