Should I send this to my ex

Context, all through my profile but anyway, we broke up 18 months ago (she dumper) 20M, 21F.

Blindsided, lost feelings, lost attraction blah blah blah. Recently she got out a relationship and requested to follow me on instagram, one thing led to another and we were talking on Snapchat, being flirty and she was asking me to go clubbing.

A few weeks on, I ask what her intentions are and receive, “I thought if we started again it would be easier to be able to be civil and see if you are a different person now.” Followed by her saying we shouldn’t talk anymore blah blah as she is scared of getting hurt? I removed her on everything and added her back days later when drunk (she added me back.)

So I’m thinking of sending this

Thoughts, thanks guys.

Look Kayla, I’m gonna be honest with you. Sorry for adding you the other night, drunk thoughts took over and I hope whatever I sent you was appropriate. This isn’t a message about getting back with you lol or anything like that. I was skeptical accepting your instagram request as I did so much to not forgot you but reframe my life without u in it. So I accepted it hoping I would get an apology for the way u treated me post break and even some stuff u did during our relationship, it’s something that I wanted for my closure but obviously that never came. Like yeah, I wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, I also wasn’t as bad as you made me feel to be. I fully acknowledge that I could have done stuff better including, being more emotionally available to you, being more respectful of you and your family and knowing a time and place for a joke. I do apologise and regret the majority of these actions but I never cheated on you, never betrayed you or abused you. Humans ain’t perfect and every relationship has mistakes and all I ask of you is to move past that. We have both changed in too many ways since last year and you wanting to see “if I had changed” but still holding resentment against me (saying you don’t want to get hurt again?) is contradictory. Obviously actions speak louder than words hence why I would have rathered to speak with you in person as you can’t tell shit on Snapchat lol. So yeah that’s basically what I’m asking, u can interrupt this how u want and obviously I will always tell you to do what’s best for you.