Dream job working for Bravo/ reality tv

I’m a little too old to start a new career path but I’ve always loved reality tv, as a kid I wanted to be a camera woman for “Real World” (😂) or be the one in the control room when filming reality shows like “punk’d”... really showing my age lol

I’m curious if anyone on this sub has worked for reality tv or Bravo?!?

I’d love any insider info about filming days/ how the scheduling works. What it’s like to witness arguments and fights first hand? How the talking heads work- we always see at least one outfit change through the season I’m curious about when they film them and how they remember what happened clip for clip (knowing a lot gets edited out) and if you’ve witnessed production step in to suggest/ set up any of the scenes. Or any funny or memorable stories?!

I’m sure I’m romanticizing the job but I’m always curious while watching these shows about how it’s structured from the other end and how many people are involved post production.

Thanks in advance for scratching my curiosity itch!! Missing our housewives this Holiday week 🥲