Trying to distance myself from parents

I am estranged from all of my family because they are terrible people, however I have not yet fully cut off my mom and dad but I try to keep very low contact because we have nothing in common.

There has been an uptick in my mom reaching out and wanting to hang out, and I really have nothing to say and don't want to hang out. I originally asked her to give me some space because she wasn't getting the point, I told her I didn't want to socialize but she continued to text me everyday just random hearts. Finally after not responding for a week, this conversion took place. I don't know how to respond, or if it's even worth responding. I have asked my mother countless times to not give us cards (we don't celebrate holidays) and she always brings up my brother even though I have been estranged from him for years because he is a terrible person.

What would you do?