So Trump won… that means all bets are off.
Even though all of America is at fault for this result, BOOMERS wanted this to be a reality.
Since they are amassing one last FU to the younger generations, we should do the same to them as payback.
I’ve been NC with my stupid, obnoxious MAGA parents for the past 7 years, and even went so far as to change my name so I don’t associate myself with them. Bonus points that I’m an only child, so they can’t go and ask another sibling to help them with whatever, so any help that they do get are from my more reasonable conservative relatives, and even then it was unwilling.
What to do? Simple:
Go NC. That’s a good way to make sure they can go spew their nonsense BS without you listening to them.
If that’s not an option?
Inconvenience them whenever. Need help with a task? Nope, do it yourself since that’s what Boomers like to preach, isn’t it?
Need some money? Nope, go and find a job, since that’s what you Boomers always like to boast about.
Encounter a Boomer in public being a menace? Be a bigger menace, such as citing the Bible and pointing the failures that they committed.
(My favorite is Proverbs 6:16-19 ~ There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.)
Boomers want a child? Nope, bear a child yourself, fool, since that’s what you always preach, right?
I can go on and on, but the bottom line is now that Trump is back, expect the next 4 years filled with leopardsatemyface posts.
Also look at all the little Trumpies coming to my post and making a clown of themselves, thinking that with Trump in office, they’re emboldened; I can still fuck you up several ways, and with your fat senile ass, you’re a weakling without your gun that you idolize like a moron.
Edit: Lmao, a salty Trumpet sent me a message to RedditCareResources. Imagine having your feelings this hurt. Guess what? IDC about your feelings just like how MAGA always preaces ‘Fuck your feelings!’