Entitled Boomers tried to play dumb about sitting in my reserved seat at the movie theater

I went to see Run Lola Run last week in my local independent theater. I specifically chose an aisle seat thee rows from the back because there was nobody occupying the seats in front, behind or same row.

A pair of boomers were sitting in my seat. I politely told them I think they’re in my seat, they tried to play dumb, then the man complained that the online seating chart confused him and he thought he was buying seats in G. Bear in mind, they’re not that old or senile, late 60’s. I say yeah it’s confusing and I point out where their seats are.

Then the lady says, “well the theater isn’t full, it’ll be easy to find another seat” and then looks at me, clearly implying I should find another seat. I look her dead in the eyes and say “yup, I’m sure it’ll be easy for you to find another empty seat”

They begrudgingly got up and moved to their purchased seats. I had to laugh to myself but no way I was gonna sit in a different seat that was possibly reserved by someone else