ADHD, Touch of Dyslexia, and Terrified of Welding School

I struggle with math, BADLY. It is boarderline its own panic disorder for me. Having said that, I ran a fireworks stand when I thought I couldn't do it, and when my fiancé's friend taught me how to weld one afternoon I got it automatically, loved it, helped build a work bench, and then built my own fish tank stand.

But the math, y'all. The course is only 6 weeks and free through a tech college in my town so I really can't not do it. I got in to the program, but because of my brain I forgot to check my voicemail and missed the deadline. The office gal said they'd probably do another one in the fall, and I had hoped to practice the types of math ahead of time so I don't get there and freeze/panic (which clouds my mind even worse despite all the tools 2 years of therapy gave me).

I just need someone to tell me they are also terrible at and panic when faced with math, and that they made it through and are great welders now. 😭💚 Thank you ahead of time!