Builder for FREE

I am a builder on Bloxburg. I will build any type of house you would like for you except victorian. I prefer to build with an apprentice. Me and my friend are really good at building together because I'm better at the outside of the house and she is better on this inside. My roblox is siimplesunset

Just message me if you would like to me to build you a house. (I will do it for free as long as you raise my budget and I won't have to use my own money. I have made several plots and you can even ask my friends.

I have made a



several cafes and restaurants

MANY homes

and more! I can do a lot of things.

Also, the building process might take a while depending on my schedule (ex: school and extracurricular activities). It could take me 2 days to maybe 2 weeks depending on my availability and my "clients" availability and possibly my apprentice/my friend that I completely trust.

If me AND my friend are building together, we will be on FaceTime discussing the layout, furnishing, etc.