It's interesting how blindness gets tossed in when it doesn't count but disregarded when it does. I recently got my state I.D. renewed and the lady handed over what I assumed was the new one until I got to the pharmacy days later and couldn't pick up a script you needed to have your I.D. to get.

I had the Old I.D. of course, having not been given the paper one or told the new one would arrive in the mail. I could so easily have thrown the envelope with the new I.D. out with the rest of the junk, just not knowing, and have had to repeat the tedious experience of going for it Again. It's just odd. The lady behind the counter was so busy chatting about whatever that she completely missed that this was one of those times where my disability was relevant and required that tad bit more attention to detail. I'd like to think I'd be forewarned next time and thus able to what I call babysit the situation to guard against similar errors but you never know when a thing like this might happen.

Have to add--to illustrate my point--the time I rode around with the rep from a moving company for 4 hours because he couldn't read and so couldn't use any signs and such to find my apartment. We really do go through a lot.