First time cystoscopy experience - female

Because dramatic stories are spread more widely, I thought I’d share my first cystoscopy experience today - which ruled out bladder cancer for me after regular blood in urine and a positive CX Bladder triage test.

As a mom of four (aged 46) who gave birth naturally, I wondered if I would experience any stinging or pain with the procedure.

The doctor put anaesthetic gel and I felt no pain or stinging. There was very minor discomfort from the tube, but the most discomfort (feeling like I needed to pee) was from him pushing gently on my full bladder after, which was also not as bad as doing an ultrasound with a full bladder!

So far, I have been to the toilet three times since (four hours post/ procedure) and no discomfort, stinging, or blood in my urine.

Hope this helps someone.

Edited to add - a Pap smear is way more uncomfortable than cystoscopy.