Do I really need to move to Kraken from Coinbase? UK opinion

Mid 4 figures in crypto, mainly bitcoin and ethereum with small holdings of avalanche, cardano, chainlink, BAT and XRP.

Currently going to Coinbase advanced when I need to buy more so cheap fees, hodler, staking everything that can be staked.

Currently got everything sat on the exchange (yes I'll move to a wallet or at least a 'vault' at some point).

Everyone I hear raves about Kraken, I've got the app and pro, looks similar to Coinbase, fees seem similar when using pro.

Just not sure I can go through the hassle of switching, especially if I'm gonna move the main part of my portfolio to cold storage....

I'm kinda new to all of this so just looking for opinions and what others have done. This seems to be the most popular UK crypto subreddit.
