Catching bipolar
I have been married to my BP SO for 15 years. He was diagnosed 4 years ago but after a month on medication he decided it was just ADHD and medicated for that only. Recently he started seeing a psychiatrist again and was rediagnosed with BP2. He has been on medication for about a month.
Sometimes when I'm reading about bipolar I think we'll that could describe my behavior sometimes too. But the thing is I haven't always had those behaviors. Sometimes I feel like the weight of the marriage and all of the ups and downs and trauma have given me BP symptoms of that makes sense. Like the intense depression and the extreme happiness of something is finally ok.
I'm not sure if this makes sense, but sometimes I feel I have "caught" my husband's bipolar. Or more like when a spouse have sympathetic pregnancy symptoms or cravings.And to be clear I know it does not work at all like that