Tilly is a terrible person
Throughout the show, there have been many examples of Tilly being a jerk that have personally stood out to me. This isn't me trying to persuade anything, its just my opinion with some examples of why I think Tilly is a terrible person.
Example 1 : In a certain episode that I unfortunately forgot the name of, Bill buys his entire family new phones. Tilly does her weird thing and ends up almost killing his grandma, father, and 2 bank robbers. Her weirdness and incomprehension of what technology was, led her to believe that someone was trapped in a phone, which led her to try and break the phone. She ended up almost killing half of her family and destroyed something that her father payed a hefty amount, to him atleast, for. The fact that she almost killed half of her family and destroyed a gift from her father, is written of as some sort of a joke. She never geta punished for it.
Example 2 : Cricketsitter. In this episode, Tilly tries to prove to her papa that she is responsible to him. In doing so and trying to calm down cricket, she ,again, almost kills him. An argument could be made that it was cricket's fault and granted it somewhat was, she then spends the rest of the episode trying to hide it. She gets to the hospital and tries to get cricket's shoulder relocated. She slips up and Cricket learns that it was her fault. He tries to tell his father but Tilly jumps on him trying to stop him. Cricket's shoulder gets relocated in the process. She then realizes that she's a prick and tells her father about it. His father is unconcious though so it doesn't really matter. She never directly apologized to Cricket about it. She gets away with it aswell because Cricket is such a great person and character.
Example 3 : Tilly's Goat. Tilly indirectly shames Cricket and makes him hold the judges hostage. While this may be an indirect cause and probably somewhat of Cricket's fault, she still shames him to do it. In this episode, Tilly enters one of the family's goats, Melissa into a dog compettition because she thinks Melissa is a dog at heart? Excuse me? Whatever, kids have imagination. Also where is Bill during all of this? Anyways, she enters and gets made fun of. Cricket, in an attempt to save her sister from embarassment, sabotages the entire compettition. Tilly catches wind of it and shames him for it. Okay Okay good job Tilly being responsible sister for onc- wait what is Cricket doing. So apparently Cricket gets his dog and points the flea filled dog at the judges to get Melissa to win. Tilly are you going to- YOU DICK. Tilly doesnt stop this madman. What a donut.