AliExpress Beyblade stores mistery

I've been buying X beys from some AliExpress stores. They all have arrived well packaged and their QR code was valid in the Asia app. The beys came with the blue qr code and the mani store stickers associated with the official beyblade products for Asia.

But today I was scrolling the catalog of one of them and didn't notice at first that everything they had from X was suddenly gone. I thought it was a bug so I reloaded the store's page many times and nothing changed. Then I went to check the other stores I've bought from and they were the same. Everything they had from X is gone and only have past gens products. One of them had even changed their store name, but the new name wasn't even that different from the previous one. It simply wasn't as generic as the one before.

All they have now are MFB products, which they already had when they also had X, with one or to X beys like Corocoro Dran Sword and Black Hells Chain, but absolutely nothing else.

Am I missing something? Could they be the same business with different accounts? That dtill doesn't explain why they decidied to remove X, they had a huge catalog of them. Why not sell those products to at least make some of their money back? And also, they often ran out of and restocked many X items and added recent releases like Cobalt Dragoon and even hasbro exclusives boosters. I even tried looking for different stores in case they all decided to open new dedicated ones for X but no luck.

What do you think happened? Is there something I should know?

I'm kinda bummed because those stores had great prices and made getting non-prize beys from random boosters easy to get.