Anybody else developed an extreme intolerance to heat.
I'm a 22 year old healthy male but when it comes to heat it's lime a woman going through menopause. I can't stand warm temperatures and the heat. I'm constantly shirtless year round, I can tank mysslf through cold temps for prolonged periods of time but I'm such a bitch with the heat. I'l start complaining about it being too hot when we hit spring. I'm in BC Canada, we dont get much warmer then like 20⁰ degrees in the spring. I guess this is why both heat and cold exposure are important, I guess I just needa go to the gym more and hit the sauna which wildly enough I fucking love. The only time I enjoy heat is in a hot shower or the sauna. So if you're serious about cold exposure I highly advise against dodging the heat at least all the time, try to keep it balanced