Fed up with declutter videos
I usually love declutter videos, like obsessed. To see people purge unused or expired makeup and the end result of a neat tidy drawer really makes my day. Lately, I see people just pulling out palettes and doing a review on them. Seriously, I don't need you talking for 10 minutes about how great it is. Swatching every color and talking about where you place every shade of your 36 pan palette on your eyes. Only to put them back in your collection. No shade but I was watching Andrea Mattilano's declutter video and all she did was ogle her current collection, compare with other palettes she has and kept them all. If you want to play with your stuff or give an indepth review, that's fine. Name it as such. Does anyone else love when a true declutter gets ruthless and passes along all the overconsumption PR? I miss the good old days.....