Bartholin cyst marsuplisation - what to expect a month into healing
As the title says, i am about 3 weeks post op. Healing was pretty easy, i went back to relatively normal activities (family get togethers, walking) within the same week. Took it easy. Week after i went to a theme park completely forgetting i had my surgery so it was not fun. I think it irritated it a little bit because afterwards i started to feel a biiiiit discomfort . No odour, no pain, no unpleasant discharge. But I do feel a sensation that I don’t feel on the other side pre cyst. Also, sitting is still a bit uncomfortable . Im not sure if it’s the feeling of pressure on that area or if it’s a cause for concern. I know everyone heals differently so this may be subjective but I just would appreciate those who want to share what their process was like and any advice!