Anyone Else Finding the Game Unplayable After First Patch?

I completely understand that in fixing some things, the devs are liable to break others. And that overall it's going to take a long time to get this game into perfect order. But holy smokes, I can't even play it at the moment. I've been deeply invested in the game since launch, but I'm still in Act 1 as I've got numerous runs going - experimenting with different team builds and classes.

Currently I'm finding I can't get certain party members to join me. They'll say they're in at the camp, but they won't be added to my team.

After speaking with certain NPCs and Shop Keepers, I get stuck walking around with the UI showing that I'm still in dialogue. Can't access my inventory or perform actions.

Certain quests won't trigger (the Kagha quest that requires you to read a specific book, nothing happens when I read it), and certain quests won't resolve (it just keeps telling me to return to Zevlor, even though I've done it and exhausted the dialogue with him). Other quests still have just randomly vanished. Fortunately none of these are main quests, so it's not game breaking, but I'm fully losing out on core parts of the experience.

In combat it'll show me that I can't move close enough to attack somebody if I've got attack as my selected action. But if I just do movement right up to them, then switch to attack, I can hit them.

When navigating the environment I can't make jumps that I know very well I should be able to make. When I hit Z to open it, the radius shows I've got the capacity for it. But as I move my cursor towards the ledge I wish to jump to, the radius shrinks. This has happened with ledges where I jump from A to B, then can't jump back to A. And they're at the same height.

I dunno, overall this is just brutal. It feels like I have to put the game down unless I want my file to end up botched beyond repair. Anybody else experiencing it?