Should I just get the epidural?
This whole pregnancy I’ve been hesitant about getting the epidural because I don’t like the idea of a catheter in my back, I want to be able to move when I want to move during and after labor, and I want to avoid a catheter.
I’m currently in the hospital being induced on Cytotec. I thought I had a pretty high pain tolerance but I’m realizing now that I probably don’t lol. I’m already clenching my toes and having waves of nausea from these contractions and I’m not even on the pitocin yet. Plus baby was having decels all night so I didn’t sleep and I’m just plain tired.
I’m wondering now if I should just get the epidural as soon as possible. My nurses assured me that even with an epidural I don’t have to give birth on my back and there’s plenty of positions I can be in during labor. Plus I see so many stories of people not wanting the epidural initially only to end up getting it later for a number of reasons. I feel like since I’m already in this kind of pain just from the cytotec I’m probably going to be begging for the epidural later right? So why not go ahead and get it earlier and save myself some pain?
Has anybody else gone into labor with their mind made up on not getting the epidural and then just changing their mind partway through? Any advice to give?
EDIT: my water ended up breaking at 3cm dilated after 3 hours of Pitocin and it was so painful I asked for the epidural IMMEDIATELY. This is lovely. Idk how y’all do it lol