Would you get pregnant again?
I have been sick throughout my entire pregnancy thus far. Im 23 weeks now, FTM, I still wake up every morning and have to throw up the moment I open my eyes, a daily zofran has been the life saver of my second trimester. My first trimester was honestly the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life, I was SO sick, food aversions so bad I couldn’t eat without throwing up, smells would make me throw up, etc. None of that stopped until I was 16-18 weeks. Im finally feeling like a person again but I am still exhausted of being sick. My husband & I want two kids so badly and I want my son to have a sibling so badly but I cannot help but wonder if I could ever do this again. I know some people say you could have the worst pregnancy ever and the moment you have your baby you feel like you could do it again. Has anyone experienced this/have thoughts on this?