BRCA genetic testing
Four years ago, I (41F) was advised by the radiologist to undergo lumpectomy in both breasts. Both breasts had benign lumps-fibroadenoma. For 4 years, I have been cleared by yearly mammogram until few weeks ago. My mammogram showed an obscured mass and had to go back for mammogram and ultrasound. After the ultrasound I have been diagnosed with multiple complicated cysts in my left breast and I have been asked to come back for mammogram and ultrasound in 6 months. I'm really scared as my paternal aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. My cousin, her daughter, also had the BRCA mutation and underwent a propylactic mastectomy. Would the BRCA 1 & 2 genetic testing should suffice? I had an appointment today with my PCP to discuss but she cancelled last minute and would not meet me until September. Should I just get the testing on my own for my peace of mind? Any advise would do.