Considering the extensive reach of Al Anon and other similar programs I can't find a single freaking chat/live support group that isn't scheduled for loved ones of BPD individuals. Do you guys have any pointers for someone who has a lot of compassion for their BPD partner but wants to do right by themselves and their kids and isn't afraid of what that means either way?
If posting here or (obviously) full on therapy is the best I can do right now, ill take what I can get, do my research etc but i feel like it might be a sorely lacking support service in society considering how many similar groups exist to address NPD partners, partners in addiction (which my partner also has but that's just one percentage of the story), and Al Anon, though useful, becomes less relevant once substance abuse isn't the focal point.
Tips and pointers are welcome and thanks for speaking your minds... uh... be nice if you want? Lol