Resources for learning about BPD terms

Having just started exploring this place, I’m realizing how little I know about BPD besides its existence. My exwBPD had told me straight up she was diagnosed with it, but the only info I got were some videos she sent me about it. These were mainly the “how it is to live with BPD” TikTok’s or posts, showing them as the victim of people leaving them or getting fed up with their behavior.

Now that I’m reading more on people’s experiences, I’d love to find resources on lots of the terms I’m reading, like splitting, discarding, Hoover, cluster b, etc. Honestly it feels like every post I read there’s a new term that I don’t understand. Does anyone have any good places to start, especially videos/podcasts/audios for me to listen to while trying to do something healthy. Ultimately I’d like to be able to identify exactly what kind of BPD my ex had to be able to better understand some of the things she did.