What are the top 3-5 meanest insults they've hurled at you?
I'll go first...
- That I'm a manipulative, lying, narcissistic sociopathic asshole, just like my ex (who was an emotionally abusive narcissist who had continuously cheated on me throughout our relationship), and that I deserve him.
- That I'm psychotic, psychopathic, delusional, mental, crazy, insane, belong in a mental ward, an autistic robotic freak, emotionless idiot (because my emotions aren't explosive like his), and I have a very loose sense of reality (this was after he attempted to gaslight me while sleep depriving me and arguing in circles for hours).
- Called me a dirty, unhygienic animal who lacks basic hygiene and should wear adult diapers (after I accidentally leaked 2 drops of period blood on the sheets). After this, he threw my stuff out of the room and threatened to kick me out of the apartment.
- Insulted and belittled my job (in the past, I worked with special needs kids, he said I worked with "retard children"), mocked me for my life choices, and told me I'd be terrible at the career path I wanted to pursue because I lack the capacity for basic human interactions
- Every curse word that exists, usually in combination with other hurtful and false character assassinations.