Wife Upset I "Hid" Writing From Her

Wife decided last night she wanted to look through my phone, likely to find proof I'm cheating on her. Instead she found my writing. For context, I do not write with any hope of being an author or anything, it's just something I do for me and I dont show anyone. She was devastated. Telling me she doesn't know me anymore, how could I hide that from her, etc. When I explained it was just for me, she got angry. And when I added I think she'd just find it cringe, she said she'd never do that and I replied "you think my music taste is "fruity", you think every hobby i have is creepy/dumb/annoying/cringe. Yes, you would think it's cringe". I also brought up my frustration with things shes said and she bounced back and forth between "I dont mean it when I say that" and "I never said that". She then left for an hour, came home home, and we haven't spoken since last night.

This is all so exhausting. I honestly feel drained of everything at this point.