Don’t you love it when they break promises and just ghost?

Never have I met anyone else that can say they “miss” you and “feel distant” from you but are solely the reasons why they feel that way. Cancelling plans last second like it’s nothing and making you look like the bad guy when you react negatively to it, down to ruining the plans they made to spend time with you… it’s fucking exhausting.

After a major first split I experienced with my partner, we’ve had many long and serious talks to mend the emotional damage done (to me), move on and prevent more resentment. Silly me for having optimism after that! :) I caught myself saying “I wonder how many business days their good mood/actions will last this time”. It was 3 days. 3 DAYS.

After flaking on plans again and then saying he doesn’t want to “push me away” anymore, he promises he’ll see me tomorrow and we’ll spend time together. He says he’s anxious and depressed and had to cancel, but makes that promise for the next day.

I wish for the love of fuck these people could just COMMUNICATE. I will never hold it against someone for feeling too depressed and anxious to see anyone, but JUST TALK! SAY SOMETHING! My entire day got ruined because I cleared my plans to see my unreliable, inconsistent partner who broke his promise he honeyed up to me through lamenting apologies only to go ghost. Left all my messages on read and won’t talk to me.

Hope everyone else had a great Sunday. And if you can relate to me… I’m sorry. Ugh. This is so much more painful than it really needs to be.