Career advice: internal offer as a consultant
Hi all,
I would like to receive some career advice because I am not sure what to do.
I (27, F) have been working for a pharmaceutical consultant company for 2 years now. I don't have a lot to complain about: I earn a good wage, have a company car, can work from home most days, have nice colleagues and managers,...
6 months ago, I started working fulltime for a new client of ours as a consultant. This new client is a very promising biotech company, who are doing very well at the moment. Last week, this client has offered me the option to start working for them internally when the consultant contracts ends in 3 months.
My question now is: would it be a smart career move to go from a consultant to an internal employee?
I like the work that I am doing now for this company a lot, and as a consultant it can get quite tiring to switch projects every few months and integrate in a new team and so on. On the other hand I feel that working as a consultant when you are starting out in the industry is a very good move since you can explore the different areas and see what you like most without changing jobs.
A potential downside to taking the internal position would be that there is some travel to be expected with the job, and that would not be my favorite part. Also, it is a very high-paced environment, some colleagues from the team are at home with burn-out because of it.
What do you think I should consider while making this decision? Regarding wage: I would need to discuss this with HR but I will not decline in wage. But as I said I am happy with what I am earning now so that is definitely not a decisive factor for me.