Votingtime! Let’s make a list of Votingstatus! Lets fuck‘em with 130% votes!

👯‍♀️People! As we couldn’t do anything but buying and holding i come up with a little task all of you could easily do!

Please comment like the following scheme:

Name of your Broker

plus [-]

Broker contracted you for voting = C

Broker has your vote = V

Broker has your trust that he votes for you = T

Broker not contacted you yet = NC

Broker contacted you but you not voted yet = NV

I contacted the Broker no response yet = NR

So for example: FLATEX - NR

If you want to update put UPDATE in front with the new status


📖I will do a list and keep updating it!

My Tinfoil is; if we push our brokers the whole week for our votingright they need to organize their total votes! (Maybe also shares?)

If there are 130% in total votes the board can easily recognize and maybe report it!

Maybe we could sort out the evil brokers fast! 🤩

Possible outcome could be that you get an idea if your broker holds some “syntethic” shares for you!

[insert creative ideas about how we can put a big middle finger up in the air]

EDIT: i got an answer from my broker!

„Dear Sir,

Thank you for contacting us with your request. We will be happy to help you.

We do not offer a service for the Annual General Meetings of foreign securities. If you wish to attend, it is usually sufficient to present a deposit certificate. The fee for the issuance is 5.90 euros according to our price and service list.

Mr , if you wish the issuance of the deposit confirmation, send us your order aq quoting the desired cut-off date from the web branch.

We hope that this information has been helpful to you and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have at any time. Did you know? You will find many answers to all topics concerning flatex on our website under Service > FA QS.

With best regards

Your flatex Team“

Does that mean i have to pay for a vote or that they then organize the „real“ shares? Curious

LFG 🩳 go 💣