Event Megathread - Tempesta and the Sleeping Sea


Welcome to the Tempesta and the Sleeping Sea Megathread!

Post the following here:

  • Event related questions (All non-event questions should still go into the daily question megathread)
  • Gacha Luck/Dialogue Screenshots
  • General thoughts regarding this event

Event Duration + Details

Main Event: 24th October (After Maintenance) - 6th November 11:59 PM (UTC-7)

Event PV: https://youtu.be/_0q7t7aMj1g

Event MV: https://youtu.be/sQ5vnp7LDzc

Event page on the AL Wiki: https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Tempesta_and_the_Sleeping_Sea

Datamined Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Xt84s3t8RjzFHGUcmaQe6OIl0qlWchpAslWX1BM_pJs/htmlview#

Patch notes: https://azurlane.yo-star.com/news/2024/10/23/maintenance-notice-10-24-12-a-m-utc-7/

Important Gacha PSA

Similar to the reruns for DoA and SSSS Gridman, there are 2 banners to pull on. The 1st contains the brand new shipgirls with a rate up like normal, as well as the girls from last year's Halloween event with no rate up. The 2nd contains ONLY last year's girls with a rate up, but does not have any of the new ones.

If you are missing girls from last year, wait to pull on the 2nd banner until you've obtained all of the new girls. You might get lucky and pull them on the 1st banner instead.

Gacha Banner 1


Rate Up:

No Rate Up:

Gacha Banner 2


Rate Up:

No Rate Up:

Guaranteed Ships

Map Drops:

Event Shop:

Event Milestones:

New Augment Modules


The following new Augment Modules will be available in-game

  • Ganj-i-Sawai - Treasure Ship's Lantern
  • Fancy - Inhuman Heart
  • Portsmouth Adventure - Special Spirits
  • Amity - Crown of Flowing Flames
  • Dolphin - Brilliant Trinket

New Event Minigame

Participate to get the limited gear, Rum Keg


[01] How do I access the event's EX and SP stages?

To be able to access EX and SP stages, you need to clear T6.

[02] Should I roll for duplicates of the event ships?

Absolutely not. Once you have a copy of all the ships from the gacha, it's a waste of resources to pull for more. You'll get more than enough bulins to limit break everyone, even if she's UR.

[03] Is it worth farming for any gear blueprints?

Yes, T5 and T6 both have Tempesta exclusive gear, the demi cannon for backliners on T5, and the heavy cannon for general use on T6. The only Tempesta gun available outside of this event is the 12 pounder in the core data shop, so be sure to pick up as many of these guns as you need if you want to use your new pirate fleet.

If you want to suggest something to be added to the FAQ, send us a modmail!