SM and DM are making us cheat on WITTDTJR

Our store has been consistently top 10 stores for WITT scores, the cheating part is actually really simple, our store is smaller so I guess it’s easier to get away with, our store manager switched the commercial computer with one of the computers by the door(the ones with the cash drawers) this makes it so that any time we sell something that would hurt our score we take the customer down to that register and it doesn’t count against us. Our DM knows this and encourages us to do it. I usually play along because if our score is high the SM is off our backs. Here is where the problem starts…we have an elderly man that works at our store, been with the company 25 years. He refuses to “cheat” and the SM hates him for it, one week our score went from 100% to 96% and the SM screamed at the elderly worker and treated him like garbage. I’ve reported this to the Shrinkbuster number but nothing has happened, but this time I have proof, one of our drivers got mad and argued with the SM about cheating, the SM called the DM and put them on speaker phone and they explained to us how it’s not technically cheating because every store can do it? It’s still cheating. Well we secretly recorded this phone call. Is there someone else I can report this to? Our SM is genuinely the worst person I’ve ever worked with, and makes all of our lives hell.