Can't fall asleep near anyone 😔
Like the title says, I have this issue where I can't sleep near to anyone because it aggravates my senses and this has been the case since childhood. I'm going to go into further detail and I wonder if anyone else can relate.
I want to preface this by saying that I have tried everything I can think of to conquer this issue. I've bought many different noise canceling headphones, ear plugs, play white/brown/rain noise in the background, have a fan making sound, do all of that at once. It honestly hurts my ears after awhile so that's part of the struggle too...
I can't handle the sound of breathing and snoring drives me insane. I can't block snoring out no matter how hard I try. I swear my hearing is supernatural at the most inconvenient times. People moving a lot during sleep keeps me up too. For example, my girlfriend twitches a lot in her sleep and it gives me insomnia. All of these sensory things culminate into so much irritation and frustration.
As a result, it's hard for me to travel with others because it requires sleeping in a hotel together unless I get my own room which is expensive. I've never been able to sleep next to my partners over the years and have had to sleep on a couch or the floor instead. So you know, the ones I love have some hesitation before staying the night because they know what I struggle with.
My girlfriend and I were discussing the possibility of living together next year. We don't make enough money to afford a two bedroom apartment unfortunately. That means that in order for me to get any possibility of sleep we are going to have to be creative because we won't be able to sleep in the same bed and maybe even the same room.
This sensory issue of mine frustrates me so much. I don't like being this sensitive. I also have trouble falling asleep if I can hear my upstairs neighbor. 😢 I don't know if I'll ever be able to overcome these sensory issues. It's quite hard to manage.