Hi everyone, I know this is a disgusting subject but I'm at my wits end! My son (4.5) is non verbal and no interest in potty training at all. His hand is in it every chance he gets, multiple times a day. We've tried every bit of advice we've been given by professionals and the websites. Sensory play, onesies, deep pressure therapy, talking to him about it (he doesn't respond to anything we talk to him about), not showering him if we can because he loves showers. He isn't constipated, the opposite really because he has allergies and keeps putting everything in his mouth.
He's making himself sore and I don't know what to do. Homelife has been different lately as we've had to have my stepson (8) come live with us and he sees his mom every other weekend. If it's an emotional thing how can I help him express how he's feeling?
Id be greatful for any tips or thoughts, Im trying not to get stressed about this but nothing is working and it's been going on for months. Thank you for your time.