Any late diagnosed women here who have dyspraxia
I'm 38 and currently waiting for testing. I was diagnosed with dyspraxia at 11 but didn't really understand or explore it till recently, and my family never mentioned it again after I got my diagnosis.
I know there is a lot of crossover with autism especially with sensory issues and I've been questioning whether things I think could be autism are just dyspraxia.
The more I see about high functioning autism in women the more bells ring re my own behavior but who knows. I've also realised I misread a lot of the ASD questions on tests (too literal) - things like questions on eye contact. I used to make a big point of making sustained eye contact - and didn't realise I didn't have to despite feeling awkward about it - so I assumed I had no issue with it.
So a lot of things 'fit' but now I'm also questioning if I'm imagining it. I feel a bit guilty or like an imposter but I also know that is not uncommon! I feel like I don't really have a great handle on what's normal either as I don't go out much 😅
Anyway just curious as to peoples experiences. I've got another six months to wait at least till my test so I have a long time to mull it over!