My husband "adopts" my ailments until I call him out
I don't really know how else to say it, but I need to get it off my chest in a safe space. If anyone else has experienced this please let me know!
I discovered I have HFA towards the end of last year. When I first started getting curious about it, suddenly my husband starting saying he thinks he's autistic too. Lately, my adhd has been really bad. It hasn't interfered with my life very much, but lately it's crazy evident and at the forefront of everything I do all day. Suddenly, my husband is saying he has adhd.
Now, I don't want it to come off as if I'm gatekeeping. The thing is my husband does this with EVERYTHING I go through. I'm not exaggerating. Whether I'm sick or one of my many chronic conditions is flaring up, suddenly my husband is experiencing the same stuff.
For example, last year I had a sudden onset of debilitating back pain. It was hard to stand and I had to do it slowly. It was excruciating to sit and I would have to give myself some time to just cry before continue whatever task I was about to do. After an MRI, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and annular tear. However, before the diagnosis, my husband would be laid up in bed complaining of back pain. I became overwhelmed because he would expect me to help with the kids more, so he could nurse his back. I explained to him repeatedly how much pain I was in but he didn't seem to believe me. It wasn't until he caught me crying because I needed to get up but I was in so much pain that he seemed to start believing me.
I love my husband. I really do. But this seems weird right? When I point out what he's doing, he gets upset and then I feel bad for pointing it out. Am I wrong for pointing it out? I told him I kind of feel like I don't have an identity because when I'm going through something suddenly he is too and then he places attention on himself and I'm