Can people stop calling an autism diagnosis a privilege please?
Unless it’s about yourself that you have decided for you, but to just say it’s a privilege is such crap. I was diagnosed at 39 in October because of the state insurance I have, and I immediately was treated like because I didn’t want an ssri , it was because of my "autism" and that I’m too rigid. After this, doctors left and right don’t even want to do blood tests for me. They are now blaming all of my health issues on autism and anxiety, so for me, it wasn’t a privilege, it’s been a nightmare. I don’t even feel relieved that I finally have this diagnosis, I feel terrified to go to any doctor now.
This is my worst nightmare, so shove whoever says it’s been a privilege, do you understand what it’s like for doctors to dismiss you, and treat you like a bratty child when you’re in your 40s after your whole life being dismissed? And early diagnosis as a privilege too? Maybe that also causes people to be dismissed too? Especially as women and girls. This statement causes pain Olympics between autistic people and it needs to stop.