Would you like to have children?

Im 30 and thought I was so sure I didn't want kids but now I've been thinking about it a lot. My husband and I agreed we'd both love to have a child in a perfect world but we're so worried about the state of the world, our financial situation and passing down autism to our kids. (We're both autistic and he's also epileptic) I don't know how I'd feel creating an autistic human because I wouldn't want them to go through the crap we go through on a daily basis. I am just so torn. I know realistically it would make more sense to not breed but at the same time I guess it's my natural instinct to want to breed now that I'm getting older. Arghhhh. How do you all feel about having children? Will you have kids? If you already have children, how do you feel now that you are a parent? Did you have any doubts at first but now are glad you had them? I think I'd just like to read everyone's thoughts on having kids.