I tried something new today. Today, I dyes my dolls hair.
The doll of choice was Eliza McFee from Shadow High. The first pic is not mine, but as you can see, her hair was pretty much white to start with. So she was the perfect candidate. I dyed her hair purple because I thought it would look pretty with the blue. What I did was filled a pot with water, heated the water, then poured about four or five cap fulls of my Rit purple dye into the water, mixed it together, and then I dipped my doll's hair into the solution; swirling it around for just a few minutes. Then I washed her hair with cold water to let the color soak in and lock it in place, then I set up a drying station by the sink with a folded up bath towel and some paper towels. I laid Eliza down to dry with her hair away from her body. She was dry and ready to get dressed and to play with again within about 4 hours. I am so proud and happy with how she turned out! What do you guys think?