Anyone else find travel overrated?

I know so many people who glorify travel. And like, certain vacations have been great…. But often I’m happier at home! When I travel, I find myself having lots of grumpy moments that, when I dig down, I realize are either due to sensory issues or disruption of routine. And then I’m upset at myself for not enjoying something I’m supposed to enjoy, and ruining the vibe.

Or sometimes I’m grumpy because my ennui and feelings of “this is just another place, why is this so special?” are still there, because that’s part of my mind, and “everywhere you go, there you are.” I have a much easier time dispelling that feeling by going to the gym or having sex rather than traveling.

I’m fine with ennui most of the time, but it’s especially problematic on vacation because it exacerbates my mismatched expectations of what “travel” is supposed to be. And that’s despite me doing my best to adjust my expectations, because I know this about myself!

I almost wonder whether I experience a sort of cultural gaslighting about how great travel is supposed to be?

A lot of my favorite days are day trips (as long as the drive isn’t more than about an hour), where I do my usual morning routine and get to come home at the end of the day, but there’s adventure in the middle/bulk of the day.

I see people choosing not to have kids so they can travel. Or choosing jobs they hate so they can travel. I definitely understand the appeal of travel in theory, but it seems wild to make enormous life changes like that just for travel.