More people complain about the death of the "Live Music Capitol" online than go to shows in this town. Lemme tell ya: Austin is a MAJOR outlier. You are so fucking lucky to live here.

I got to do some traveling this last holiday. Hartford, CT. Detroit, MI. Thought I might check out a show while I was there in both places, similar size to Austin in terms of population, there should be some stuff to do, live music-wise, at least, right?

There was NOTHING. It was horrifying. Maybe it was the holiday slowdown but CHRIST ALMIGHTY, we are blessed in this city.

Unplug your fucking PS5, go downtown and get drunk you antisocial, introverted losers. You are living in the land of milk and honey and you don't even have the capability of understanding how DIFFERENT Austin is from these places.

Oh, it sucks now? Compared to the 90's?

I was a child then. I'm an adult now, and let me tell you, Austin in 1995 might have been cooler than Austin in 2025, but Austin in 2025 beats the ever loving SHIT out of 95% of American cities in 2025. Those places are all more expensive and worse to live in than here, as well.

You are living in the golden goose, you ingrates. Stop lamenting a lost past and go appreciate it.

I will now, in the spirit of being real, throw this macbook into a wood chipper and go watch some random band on Red River, as I did the last three nights in a row.