Gun pulled on me on 130-service road southbound near 45 junction

Was driving to work this afternoon and had a car nearly collide with my front end as they tried to merge over into my turn lane while I turned. Honked my horn and passenger in backseat proceeded to stick a gun out the window. Continued down road and created a lot of distance. They later put their whole upper body out window and aimed gun at my windshield again. Unsure if it was real or not. They made fake “recoil” motions. Called it into the cops and they dispatched a unit. Car was a Lexus sedan, dark blue or black in color. License plate started with GPR. Was too shaken to think to take a picture or video. Be careful out there! Will probably quite literally never use my horn again and just let a collision happen next time someone drives at me erratically (if I can’t swerve obv).