Australian Press Council bins our complaint in a mere two days

As you might recall (some of it was discussed here), The Australian recently ran a more than 25 article series on firearms matters. Some of the stories contained factual inaccuracies or things that were either misleading or missing context; which we alerted The Australian to.

They did not correct the errors and we lodged a complaint with the Australian Press Council (allegedly the industry watchdog) - who took a mere two days to throw our complaint in the bin.

It's pretty hard not to see this as part of a conscious bias by some in the media against law-abiding firearms owners (especially when you consider some of the other matters the Press Council has accepted a complaint about and made rulings on), and to say we are extremely unhappy they binned the complaint would be an understatement.

You can read the text of our complaint, as well as the Press Council's response, here: