Workers comp related
Workers comp - mental health related
Brief back story: I’ve been at my job for a few years and a million incidents have taken place, starting with my manager getting fired for sexual harassment and bullying, and we have a lot of physical violence from customers at my workplace. I few start of 2023 I started getting really bad anxiety, I didn’t know what from and just kept pushing through, in Feb 2023 I could drive anymore, in May I couldn’t go anywhere that wasn’t work, in August I took annual leave because the panic attacks were getting so bad, I tried to return as normal and couldn’t even walk through the door. I have been on leave since. I didn’t think it was work related but since working with a psychologist I am 100% confident it’s because of all these issues at work. I have a diagnosis and work with a GP and Psych fortnight. Im also super concerned about their lack of support, I’ve heard from my manager only 3 times in the last 6 months, I mentioned this anxiety to them 3 months before I went on AL but they just said EAP and you’ll be right. They’ve made me go for an independent medical assessment (I haven’t lodged a claim yet so I thought this was weird).
I am completely housebound, I can’t do anything I could a year ago, I can’t go anywhere near my workplace I can’t work, I’m scared I won’t be able to for a long time.
Also now work is being a bit shit about it, they made me get an independent medical and now I feel they’re using it against me
I understand I can make a claim, but what is the usual outcome for situations like this, is it even worth it? I’ve heard they’ll only pay my medical expenses but I’m looking at potentially not being able to work for a long ass time because of this. I’m worried about my future and I’m disappointed in myself for not seeing the signs of how work has done this to me.
Any guidance is appreciated (: