Road Rage Concerns

Posting this here since I figure others may have had similar experiences in the past... Athens resident of about four years here; this is the first time this has ever happened to me so I'd like your advice. For no reason I can think of, a driver on North Ave started tailgating me and just absolutely laying on the horn earlier this afternoon. This happened for a couple minutes so I pulled over into a fairly populated lot so he wouldn't follow me home or something crazy. He then proceeded to walk right up to my window and call me just about every slur in the book (he certainly loved to use the r-word, is all I'll say). It got so bad that a cop walked up to my car after he was finally finished to check up on me and see if I was alright. I'm not even really shaken up; I'm more so just confused about why the dude in question would target me specifically.

All of that said, do you have any advice for how to better handle situations like these? I kept my window up/car locked and only very minimally engaged with him, but I'm sure there's other things I could have done as well. Driver safety is way too important to take for granted. Thank you!!