Who is the mentioned athlete/competition on yesterday's speech?

Yesterday, President Trump spoke about two cases involving female athletes who were negatively affected by transgender competitors. One of them, Payton McNabb, suffered severe injuries that may impact her for life. The second case involved a competition.

Here is a transcription of that part of President Trump's speech:

"And if you really want to see numbers, just take a look at what happened in the women's boxing, weightlifting, track and field, swimming or cycling, where a male recently finished a long distance race five hours and 14 minutes ahead of a woman for a new record by five hours. Broke the record by five hours."

I've tried to find information about this specific "5 hours and 14 minutes" competition but haven't had any luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks!

If you want to check that part of the speech, it's here at 17:10s.