My bf 30M has a needy, over-clingy friend 33M. What are your opinions about this?

My bf (30m) and me (31f) always fights as he has a clingy, loner friend that we fight with little things over and over. His friend always fights with his neighbor, gets defensive at work, not good with girls, that's why he doesnt get much friends or relationship. He would even borrow big money and since my bf is generous to everyone, he would just do it even knowing he doesnt have much left for the week, ending he would borrow from me for smokes, so I feel like im the one being burdened because of his friend. He would always include that loner friend to festivities, but im not comfortable since my bf gets mad like willing to break up, tell me hurting words when i tell my opinion about his friend. They would see each other two-three times per week, I let them do that but now it is not enough, even when we have planned things beforehand and when his friend calls up, his mood would change that he couldn't come ruining the entire mood for our plan/travel. My bf and I also rent in the house under our both name and my bf since his friend is a warfreak, would ask that he can stay in the house for a night or two when the friend feels in danger in his house. Without asking me if it's okay with me. But "night or two" feels like my bf is trying to normalize for him to stay in our house anytime he likes and I cant even say something about it becaise he will be mad. I feel like im so done with this cycle for two years. We tried to talk about this over and over but nothing has changed. I just want to set the boundaries. Let me know your thoughts.