Tired that “self care” is so associated with beauty

Every time I see a Tik Tok or even advice on Reddit about “self care” it tends to be always associated with beauty “Take a bath, exfoliate your skin, shave your body, put on some lotion, use a hair mask, go get your nails done”.

Edit: I wanted to clarify, when I say “take a bath, exfoliate your skin, put lotion” I’m referring at that being the only way of self care and also the videos of girls who put on 500 kinds of lotions, serums, super expensive skin care machine, bath bombs… if you can afford it that’s great! But you actually don’t need those products to be clean and have a healthy skin!

Self care has become another marketing strategy to make women buy far more products than we already need. And, don’t get me wrong, I love doing some of those stuff myself, but I hate that the only form of “self care” that is promoted is in the form of beauty.

I feel things like meditation, listening to your body, being able to be alone with your feelings, learning techniques to manage stress and anxiety for example are far more important and have much more lasting effects than doing your nails.

What forms of self care that are not associated with beauty do you like practicing?

For me, it’s going to therapy and exercising. Both had done SO much for my mental health!