Why exactly is confidence such an aphrodisiac?

Nobody wants to be around some timid guy who causes you to second guess everything and is too afraid to express his feeling for you, but from where i stand raw confidence, and quite often arrogance, seems to get people WAY too far in the dating arena. All dimensions of life really but especially dating.

For the longest time in human history it was linked to competence. You generally wouldn't find a confident person unless they were competent enough to back it up, so I guess that might be where the source from which this attraction stems.

But these days it means nothing at all. I know some guys who appear ultra confident on the outside but internally they loathe themselves.

Anyone can pick themselves up of their piss soaked couch in their parents basement and front up to a social event as if they're the most confident guy in the room, but these days everyone knows that this is the case, so why is it still such an aphrodisiac?

It also seems like a lot of people struggle to discern between confidence and arrogance - the former is being sure of your worth and is usually discovered not announced, while the latter is believing you're worth more than others. and I see arrogant guys bragging and bloviating with women in a way that should cause them to roll their eyes and walk off yet they're spellbound by it, which unfortunately reinforces that behavior.

Or maybe it's not that deep, and it mostly depends on how attractive they find the guy overall (his appearance, fashion, voice, social status etc)?

Any insight ?