How 'attached' are you to your breasts, emotionally? (Medically required breast reduction)
31, F here.
Women, let me begin by saying I love my body. It may not be perfect according to media standards, but I think it's perfect for me. And my highlight is definitely the 'girls' who are a bit on the larger side. Everything I wear, from form fitting dresses to sarees or kurtas, everything looks better because of them...
Now coming to the issue. I have a rare condition. There's no real treatment for it but it causes symptoms of like 10 different diseases without them being present in me physiologically. And I have been experiencing some issues in the breast area because of it. Today, after like 10th appointment for the same issue, the doctor suggested we would need to remove some glands from my breasts. Now this will obviously affect my body, and reduce my breasts to the biological minimum. Leaving enough that I will be able to breastfeed if I choose to have children in the future. (Which I don't plan by the way).
and please don't judge, I'm not being vain and superficial. I'm just traumatised since meeting the doctor. Yes, the pain is immense and I would love to be free of that. But over the years, it took me a long time to accept and love my body. I had severe body image issues throughout my teen and early 20s. And now I am worried if a major body change happens, I may regress to that period again. It's really simple, I have to do what is medically relevant. But. Oh I'm sorry if this meandering thought made no sense. I am just struggling with the information I received today.
How important do you think this is or how unimportant? Wpuld you be affected by this in your life or I'm needlessly vain? I am so confused.
MRI result awaited. Let's hope...