Tapeworm prevention for cats
Hi! I have a handsome 6 year old neutured male cat. He is an indoor-outdoor cat who likes to spend as much time as possible outside (goes out multiple times per day up to 1.5h each time). He loooves to hunt anything that moves - birds, mice, lizards etc. And with that there are some issues - WORMS!
We try to prevent them as much as possible flee collar (is changed per instructions on packaging), 2x a year we wash him with flee shampoo and even adding a bell to his collar has not helped to prevent the hunting. Of course deworming with pills (tablets) is the main course of action. Currently our vet gives him Milprazon (Milbemycin oxime/praziquantel) every 2-3 months (2 month interval during summer period). But he still somehow manages to get them :( I also struggle to understand if he gets them from flees or mice that he often catches. I have never noticed flees or flee dirt on him.
Right now he still needed to be covered for a month but i noticed rice-like things on his tail and sure enough it was tapeworms. And every time that he gets worms, pill has to be given twice (one and one after two weeks). Realistically he would need one pill per month, but i am worried that it would damage his gut. I am happy that he is otherwise a healthy, active boy, but this worm thing is exhausting. ALSO it does not help that it is impossible for us to give him any kind of pill - trust me we have tried everything... the wrapping like burrito, the pill syringe etc. Therefore I have to take him to the vet every time he needs the pill. I will consult our vet when i see her next time, but other opinions and experiences would be appreciated!