Conflicting MUO treatment

My dog (7fn small cross breed) has been diagnosed with chronic MUO via CSF. She has very odd symptoms (paroxysmal dyskenesia) that have very slowly progressed over multiple years. MRI of brain and whole spine is NAD. Just the csf inflammation indicative of autoimmune disease. She has just finished 6 months of steroids, got completely better on them but is now starting to relapse now they’re finished. I’m quite keen to avoid more steroids as they seemed to make her very depressed. One neurologist has said I have two other options. Atopica for 4-6 months or multiple cytarabine infusions. This neurologist has said a cure will not happen, and a remission is all that is possible. They have said that there is nothing in any studies to prove one medication is more effective than the other and so it really is down to me. Another neurologist has said a single infusion of cytarabine has a chance of curing, or at least long term remission. They have both recommended the same dose, but one thinks it may cure after one session whilst the other said remission at best after multiple sessions. Obviously liquid atopica daily would be easier than cytarabine infusions so if there really is nothing between them, this would be the better option all round. However if there genuinely could be a chance at long term remission with cytarabine, of course we’d consider it. I appreciate this is pretty specialist neurologist knowledge but if there’s anyone that may have any clue, we would be very grateful for the input. We are based in London